Global Net Concept
Aide en ligne

Global Keywords Manager
    Installation GKM
    Installation de GKR
        A lire en premier
        Script PHP
        Script HTML
        Script "Via Index"
    Pour Commencer
    Panneau Générateurs
    Panneau Campagnes
        Groupes d'annonces
        Mots clés
    Panneau Adwords
    Automatisation des processus de création
    Résolution des problèmes
    GKM Installation
    GKR Installation
        Read This First
        PHP Script
        HTML Script
        Via Index Installation
    To Start
    Keywords Generator Panel
    Campaigns Panel
        Ad Groups
    Adwords Panel
    Automation of Campaign Creation
    Problem Resolution
PHP Version installation
PHP Version installation
1/ Unzip the "Global Keywords Recycle" file and open it.

2/ Open the "php" file.

3/ Rename the "keywords.txt" file as you wish. Caution: keep the extension .txt

It is in this file that Global Keywords Recycle records your visitors’ searches.
4/ Open "kwd_php.php" in a text editor or Internet site creation software (Dreamweaver, Front page etc...).
5/ At the beginning of the file (in the source code) find:
            $NameFile = '.txt';

6/ Insert the new name of your file like this:
            $NameFile = 'yourfilename.txt';
e.g.: if your file name is keywords.txt, it will look like this:
            $NameFile = 'keywords.txt';
7/ Save

8/ Upload the file "kwd_php.php" and your .txt file to your site root.

9/ check that the permissions on .txt enable writing (CHMOD 777)
10/ Insert this code line in each of your pages (source code):
<? include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/kwd_php.php'); ?>

That’s it the script is installed. To do a test, look for your site in Google for example.
Then connect to:
You should see the exact search you just did appear.

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