Global Net Concept
Aide en ligne

Global Keywords Manager
    Installation GKM
    Installation de GKR
        A lire en premier
        Script PHP
        Script HTML
        Script "Via Index"
    Pour Commencer
    Panneau Générateurs
    Panneau Campagnes
        Groupes d'annonces
        Mots clés
    Panneau Adwords
    Automatisation des processus de création
    Résolution des problèmes
    GKM Installation
    GKR Installation
        Read This First
        PHP Script
        HTML Script
        Via Index Installation
    To Start
    Keywords Generator Panel
    Campaigns Panel
        Ad Groups
    Adwords Panel
    Automation of Campaign Creation
    Problem Resolution
Add keywords from a Website

Why Do You Need to Recover the EXACT Searches of ALL the Visitors Who Come to Your Web-Sites?
When visitors come to your sites, Global Keywords Recycle is able to recover their exact searches.  You can then integrate these keywords in your Adwords campaigns or elsewhere.
You will find expressions you would not have thought about and that keywords suggestion tools usually do not provide.
These expressions can generate many "Adwords Clicks" for example. They will be an invaluable help in your indexing process. In fact, you will offer many new accesses towards your sites.
For Example:
You are good in spelling and grammar? You will be surprised what a less literate surfer can type!

You will discover the expressions that teenagers use if you need them for your sales.
You will get countries' specific expressions. E.g. French Canadian is not the same as French. UK and USA often use different words (center, centre) which would not trigger the same results in Google.
You could even find keywords and expressions in a foreign language without even speaking one word of it!

When you insert these "recovered keywords" in your Adwords campaigns, you will obtain a better targeting and a higher CTR. As a consequence your cost per click will go down and your ad will improve its position. You can use GKR with GKM, the Adwords dedicated software and improve your indexing and search engine optimization. Have a look at the FREE Seo Course we offer at 
Another Use: Find the Keywords to Exclude!
Let's say you sell debt consolidation on Internet. It is extremely probable that some of your visitors have made this research: "State debt", "Third world Debt", "China external debt" etc. USELESS in your case. Especially if your visitors came from a Pay per Click ad like Google Adwords.

You see: you might currently spend your hard earned money to get visitors who will NEVER BUY anything from you.
Global Keywords Recycle exists in 3 versions.
Choose the one that is best adapted to yopur website.

Install Global Keywords Recycle" link!!!
Add keywords from a Website
- The keywords recovery script, Global Keywords Recycle, must be installed on the sites from which you want to collect the keywords.
How to use this function:

- If you just installed Global Keywords Recycle, it might be that there are no keywords to recover yet.
This function is available from the panels "Generator" and "Campaign"
To access it:
• Click on the button on the left of the "Extracted keywords"
• In the menu click on "Add keywords from Website"...  

• Enter the Url of your site in the appearing field "http://"
• Enter the .txt file name where the keywords wil be collected.
Example : http://     File   keywords.txt
• Click on the "  " button
• In the speadshheet below, enter your URL.
• Click on the "Import" button.
• The list of your visitors keywords appear on the site!
• Click on "Validate" to import these keywords into the "extracted keywords" list.

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